August 30, 2012
This page is for yachties coming to Port Resolution. Most crews arrive wanting to see the volcano as soon as possible and only plan to stay a few days. We hope this information helps you get the most from your visit to this magical place.
After conversations with both Stanley, the yachtie liaison, and Werry, the proprietor of Port Resolution Yacht Club, we put together a brochure addressing their concerns and all the useful information we could imagine including a map.
download Welcome to Port Resolution pdf file

Points of Interest
• Mt. Yasur Volcano - A strombolian volcano, Mt. Yasur consistently puts on an awesome show. See Stanley for transportation.
• Hot Springs - Located in southwest corner of bay. Take a walking tour to the steam vents. The small charge is used for school fees. Exploring the fumeroles along the west side of the bay by dinghy or kayak is interesting but first ask permission at Mainsori Village.
• Walking Loop through Ireupuow Village - Follow the road past Avoca Restaurant to the Yatukuri nakamal and on to Surf Beach. Follow the white sand beach north to the black rocks jutting out into the sea. Turn in at Rocky Island Bungalows and walk along the pretty path back to the village.
• Community Store - Colorful baskets, mats, bow and arrow sets, shells, tusks and fruit are available.
• Dinghy to the White Sand Beach - Located at the northeast part of the bay. There is good snorkeling off the beach. Respect the Tabu (forbidden) area from Yewao Point to the black rocks near Rocky Island Bungalows.
Please Help Keep Port Resolution Beautiful
Take all rubbish and bottles with you
Do not burn rubbish on the beach
Do not throw cans into the bay
Important Points
• The volcano entrance fees support a community fund to help the people after cyclones and other natural disasters.
• Villagers need money to send their children to secondary school.
• Fuel is very expensive.
• Often gardens are far from villages but all the fruit and vegetables belong to someone so please do not help yourself.
• When walking around, keep to roads and tracks.
• Remember you are the guest on their ancestral land. Ask permission to pass through the villages, snorkel, spearfish, have dinner on the beach, or take pictures.
• The nakamals are male only after 4 pm. Women must stay away and not look if passing by. They must use the bypass route at this time.
• Do not enter the Tabu areas.
• Maintain modesty in dress and behavior. Ladies, cover swimsuits when ashore and wear knee-length shorts or skirts. Bare shoulders are fine.
• It is customary for visitors to speak first and polite to introduce yourself and say where you are going.
• If leaving the immediate area of Port Resolution, you may be accompanied by a guide. It is the custom and an offer of friendship.
• If you are asked to pay a fee to visit an area, know it is a payment towards the future. The people nurture the environment for the next generation.
• Gift giving and receiving is a complicated social event. Giving small gifts to anyone is fine. Larger gifts are best given to the village as a whole through Stanley, Werry or Thomas, the headmaster of the school. Beware of anyone asking for gifts. Consider the rubbish your gift may create.
•Trading, as long as the trade is equal, is fine.
Port Resolution Yacht Club - Werry, manager or Esther. Laundry – 500 vatu per medium sized bag. Water is available, see Werry. Beer and soft drinks anytime, ring the gong at the head of the table.
Community Market House - Local crafts, baskets, fruit and vegetables. If closed, ask a lady when it will be open. Most likely she will find someone to open the door. English and French are spoken.
Truck rides - See Stanley. A truck goes to the volcano most evenings. The entrance and driver's fees total just under 6,000 vatu, about $60. A truck can be arranged to Lenakel to check in or out with Customs and Immigration. Market days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Join the villagers if there is room. Usually tomatoes, avocados, grapefruit, tangerines and more are available. Fresh bread is across the street and down a few doors. There is also a bank and internet. With luck, a truck can be arranged to visit the John Frum Village at Sulfur Bay to listen to music on Friday nights. Unfortunately, 2 of the 3 truck drivers are Seventh Day Adventists and do not work after 5:00 pm on Friday. Stanley will try his hardest to arrange something. Patience and understanding are key.
Avoca Restaurant – Tanna coffee anytime, breakfast, lunch or dinner with reservation. Ask for Serah (Sarah). Her daughter, Juluen (Julienne), helps out.
Ianiuia White Beach Restaurant – Book one day in advance for lunch or dinner. Call Leah 5474990 or Susan 561155.
Port Resolution Yacht Club – meals by arrangement.
Help the community
• The primary school can use supplies, books and money.
• If you are handy, there are always generators, sewing machines and other things needing repair in the villages.
• Useful items include rope, nails, screws, flashlights, batteries, fishing equipment, diesel, petrol and sewing supplies.
• The Yacht Club needs a VHF radio, 12 volt batteries, solar charger and electric cable to run lights to the dinghy landing area. See Werry if you can help.
• Most local people have never visited a yacht. Inviting men, women and children aboard is a wonderful experience for both you and them. Before asking anyone from a canoe aboard, it is best and safest to talk with Stanley or Werry.
This information is to acquaint you with Port Resolution and to help keep it the wonderful, honest, friendly place it is today. Think about the effect you have on the people so future visitors will find the same sincere welcome.
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